projekt produktentwicklung roericht ulm
computer input devices 1987
a study of (computer) input devices,, the introduction explains the distinction between manipulators and recorders; chapter 1 deals with manipulators capter 2 deals with the recorders 3. ... a look at musical instruments can be usefull to find new input dimensions 4 reports about latest developments and researchwork on input divices: projects for the future, a compilation of the major research focuses 5. our solutions: more room for manipulators.......
Burkhard Schmitz, John Hirschberg, Ass. Benny Mosimann,
karl bauer ncr
materialien & Querverweise
-> doku 660 inputdevice
computer input devices 1987
a study of (computer) input devices,, the introduction explains the distinction between manipulators and recorders; chapter 1 deals with manipulators capter 2 deals with the recorders 3. ... a look at musical instruments can be usefull to find new input dimensions 4 reports about latest developments and researchwork on input divices: projects for the future, a compilation of the major research focuses 5. our solutions: more room for manipulators.......
Burkhard Schmitz, John Hirschberg, Ass. Benny Mosimann,
karl bauer ncr
materialien & Querverweise
-> doku 660 inputdevice